16th Bologna Winter School
NGS data, Bioinformatics and New Molecular Scenarios
The paradigm for molecular interpretation of complex events at the cell level has shifted. Large scale genomic profiling of species, including humans, has become commonplace and sequencing technology is no longer a main bottleneck. Sequencing and data analysis are common practice also in medicine, when addressing the problem of the molecular origin of diseases. In the last twenty years Bioinformatics has been helping data storage and analysis. However, the investigation of cell molecular complexity reveals that different hierarchical layers of data integration are necessary for understanding the role of macromolecular crowding and the subtle interplays among environment, cell signalling and regulation of gene expression. The Bologna winter school will investigate the main results of the “omic” era, including new molecular scenarios such as that of the many different types of RNA and their putative roles in the cell functioning. When hierarchical organisation is the problem, new algorithms are necessary to model results and to infer from sequencing data when variations in DNA, RNA and proteins are useful for medical diagnosis. During the school, leading scientists in the field of Bioinformatics will debate to which extent sequencing data are actionable for a better understanding of biological processes.
NGS data, Bioinformatics and New Molecular Scenarios
February 2-6, 2015
Caffè della Corte, Corte Isolani 5/B, Bologna
February 2nd
Why Bioinformatics: what's new after twenty years: Arthur Lesk and Gert Vriend
February 3rd
At the basis of the "annotation" process: David Jones and Gert Vriend
February 4th
New algorithms for genome wide investigations: Arne Elofsson, David Jones and Mauno Vihinen
February 5th
Are clustering and association rules enough for inferring causation?: Christine Nardini and Silvio Tosatto
February 6th
Epigenomics and RNA: Montserrat Corominas, Roderic Guigò and Graziano Pesole
Lectures will be given at Caffè della Corte, Corte Isolani 5/B, Bologna from 10.00 am to 1pm and from 3 to 5.30pm.
Lunches and coffees are included.
APPLICATION should be submitted by e-mail to: school2015@biocomp.unibo.it
The School provides 3 ECTS credits
Maximum number of participants is limited to 30 students
For Application send a short C.V. to school2015@biocomp.unibo.it
You will be notified by e-mail of acceptance
Deadline for application: January 15th, 2015
SCHOOL FEES: 500 EURO that covers material, courses, lunches, coffee breaks
ACCOMODATION at the ERASMUS COLLEGE, in downtown Bologna:
160 EURO per person for a double room (6 nights)
260 EURO per person for a single room, if available (6 nights)
Dues will be payed upon acceptance with modalities to be specified
School on NGS data, Bioinformatics and New Molecular Scenarios
c/o Prof. Rita Casadio
Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences
School of Science
Via Selmi, 3
40126 Bologna - ITALY
Organisation: AIRBBC
Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Biofisica e Biologia Computazionale
ERASMUS College: via de' Chiari, 8
Tel: +39 051 276711
How to get to the ERASMUS College
from the airpot: BUS BLQ (AEROBUS) from Airport to Central Station
from the station: BUS C from Central Station to Cartolerie or BUS #11 from Autostazione to Garganelli
Il Caffè della Corte: corte Isolani, 5B
Tel: +39 051 261555
How to get to Il Caffè della Corte:
From the train station take the public bus, #27 or #25, and get off at the first stop after the Due Torri. The entrance to Corte Isolani is located at #19 on Strada Maggiore.
From the Due Torri, the two towers at Piazza della Mercanzia, follow along Via Santo Stefano. The entrance to Corte Isolani is located at #18 along this street.
From the highway we recommend driving towards the center of Bologna and leaving the car in a parking area along the viali, which is the street that circles the perimeter of the historic downtown. Traffic is limited in the downtown area and allows only those vehicles with proper permits to drive inside the historic area.
Bus schedules can be obtained at the official TPER website.
People & Contacts
Email: school2015@biocomp.unibo.it
Scientific Committee: Rita Casadio, David T. Jones
Organising Committee: P. Fariselli, P.L. Martelli
Local Committee: F. Aggazio, P. Di Lena, G. Profiti, I. Rossi, C. Savojardo
Organising Secretary
AIRBBC: Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Biofisica e Biologia Computazionale
c/o Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences
School of Science
Via Selmi, 3
40126 Bologna - ITALY
tel: (+39) 051 2094005