
26th Bologna Winter School
The latest on the RNA world

The Winter School is designed to explore the latest advancements in RNA biology, with a special focus on computational approaches. As RNA continues to reveal its pivotal roles in gene regulation, disease mechanisms, and therapeutic applications, the integration of computational tools has become indispensable in uncovering its complexity. Throughout the Winter School, participants will gain insights from leading experts and engage with state-of-the-art techniques for RNA analysis. The event will be held in remote modality (via ZOOM) and it is open to all students and researchers interested in understading and debating the latest advancements on bioinformatics methods for analysing and predicting structural and functional aspects of RNA. A student conrner will be also organised where participants will have the possibility to present their work on the topic, upon the submission of a short abstract.


Montserrat Corominas web mail
Institute of Biomedicine, University of Barcelona, ES

Roderic Guigòweb mail
Center for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, ES

Manuela Helmer-Citterich web mail
Department of Biology, University "Tor Vergata", Roma, IT

Anders Kroghweb mail
Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, DK

Cedric Notredame web mail
Comparative Bioinformatics, Center for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, ES

Graziano Pesole web mail
Department of Bioscience, Biotechology and Environment , University of Bari, IT


CET Timezone (UTC +1)

The latest on the RNA world
February 19 - March 3, 2025
On Line Event

Wednesday, February 19
11:00-13:00 Manuela Helmer-Citterich

Friday, February 21
10:00-12:00 Cedric Notredame

Monday, February 24
10:00-12:00 Cedric Notredame
12:00:13:00 Student's corner (Francesco Alabiso, Giorgia Barbieri, Gabriele Vazzana, Francesca Nonatelli)

Tuesday, February 25
10:00-12:00 Cedric Notredame

Wednesday, February 26
10:00-12:00 Anders Krogh

Thursday, February 27
11:00-13:00 Montserrat Corominas

Friday, February 28
11:00-13:00 Roderic Guigò

Monday, March 3
15:00-17:00 Graziano Pesole

Lectures will be held online, through the ZOOM platform.
Waiting room will open 15 minutes before the start of each lecture


For registering to the school please send a request with a short CV to:

If you want to present your related work during the student corner, please also attach a short abstract
Deadline for application: February 17, 2025 (or 24 hours before the lecture you are interested in)

Link to the ZOOM room will be provided in proximity of the first lecture


Organisation: AIRBBC
Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Biofisica e Biologia Computazionale


The event will be held online
ZOOM link will be provided upon request

People & Contacts


Scientific Committee: Rita Casadio, David T. Jones
Organising Committee: Emidio Capriotti, Pier Luigi Martelli, Castrense Savojardo
Local Committee: G. Babbi, E. Bertolini, M.Manfredi, G.Vazzana

Organising Secretary
AIRBBC: Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Biofisica e Biologia Computazionale
c/o Biocomputing Group - Dept. of Pharmacy and Biotecnology, University of Bologna
Via San Giacomo, 9/2
40126 Bologna - ITALY
tel: (+39) 051 2094005