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RGB-Net: a Collaborative European Network on Rabbit Genome Biology



Prof. Luca Fontanesi
Dr. Hervé Garreau

Members only

A rabbit

Short Term Scientific Missions (funded by RGB-Net)

Leader: Prof. Ino Curik
Vice: Prof. Gudrun Brockmann

How to apply

  1. Please verify if a call for STSM applications is open
  2. Read the Vademecum and the Presentation at the Bologna meeting that summarizes relevant procedures
  3. Click on "To apply for STSMs" (you will be re-directed to the e-COST application form)
  4. Fill the e-COST application form (select our COST Action: "A Collaborative European Network on Rabbit Genome Biology (RGB-Net) - TD1101" with all requested information
  5. Send to the leader of STSMs (Prof. Ino Curik) and to the Chair (Prof. Luca Fontanesi) full CV and detailed Work Plan. Detailed Work Plan should not exceed 3 pages (we would appreciate if you could reduce it in ONLY ONE PAGE)
  6. Applications are open for the whole 2013 till budget available is completely allocated.
  7. Please see detailed information on the 2013 STSMs and related information in this document

Other opportunities for STSMs

Past opportunities from Slovakia